Thursday, March 22, 2007

This is the prophetic and random daily bible verse for Good Saturday, March 22, 2008. "Take a guard," Pilate answered, "Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how." -Matthew 27:65 NIV

I take this as a mighty blessing on my Paranormal Company to go forth and fight the demonic and evil forces of the world using psychic ability and electrical energy studies.

We will be commissioning the purchase of a brainwave-reading game console to attach spectrographs and other electrical equipment to. We will be examining robotics that detect nerve impulses in muscles to enhance their performance in medical or industrial settings.

Spirits have electromagnetic signatures and a measure of amperage. Being able to detect this background or electrical field amperage can give us readouts of the potential spiritual activity in a zone, although bioelectric neural networks [brains and physiology] can be trained to do the same with greater precision and interactivity. Mechanical and electronic devices provide force.

It is possible to build ghost or spirit capturing, changing or destroying energy equipment.

Some living forms are merely sustained vibrations in low-interactivity patterns and do not appear as substantial amperage. They operate by producing vibrational cascades and adjust the condensation of quantum potentials.

Detecting these patternous vibrations will require a special camera filter. I recommend trying a color-coding vibrational spectrum, and scanning that through neighborhoods of frequency, with a ping system for detection of active hz or emf neighborhoods.

Sending out small emp's insufficient to damage unprotected electronics in varying frequency ranges may be a useful tool, or a localized stronger emp. This could be released from an ultracapacitor through a diode.

Every electrical and vibrational circuit is a living being, capable of being influenced, problematic, or helpful. Each of these living beings should obey Natural Law and respect love and others. Paranormal Company can help.

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